If you own one of the Kubota L series tractors you will notice that the fuel strainer and
it's plastic bowl is in a very vulnerable position and if cracked it will cause downtime and added cost to repair it.
Our new uniquely designed fuel bowl guard is a “must have item” for your tractor with it’s cylindrical shape, full bottom plate for added protection and even a viewing sight glass to check the quality of your fuel at a glance and it’s a lot tougher than the small plastic part that’s there now that won’t protect much of anything.
Designed to easily install and remove to service the strainer by removing two existing mounting bolts.
You and your tractor will simply love having the security and peace of mind knowing
this vulnerable fuel strainer is now nothing to worry about.
Watch Youtube Video here. https://youtu.be/kYcc9JieFR0
Price: $155.00 USD Shipping & Handling Included.
Ships to US & Canada Only. Canadians please Email / Tel to purchase.
Tel / Email questions or to order by phone.
Tel # 709-786-3348