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Kubota B2301 -B2601 Chainsaw Holder

Special Order, get yours today while supplies last.  Kubota B2301 / B2601 with adapter (included)

Our long awaited Chainsaw mount that we designed and built several years ago with a few upgrades. This Saw Saddle has a secure mount for your chainsaw and also an integrated axe mount as well. There's no other like it.

NOTE: This item will fit the B2301 /  B2601 TLB tractor only because the Saw Saddle

has to bolt to the backhoe sub frame with included adapter.

Price: $600.00 Shipping Included.

Ships to US & Canada Only.  Canadians please Email / Tel to purchase.




Email / Tel to order by phone.

Tel # 709-786-3348



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Kubota B2601 L6060 LX3310 B2650 Specialty Repairs Custom Mods
Kubota B2601 B2301 LX2610 LX3310 L6060 Specialty Repairs Custom Mods
Kubota B2601 B2301 L6060 LX3310 LX2610 Specialty Repairs Custom Mods
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