BX Bucket Spill Guard.
Help Protect your tractors hood and yourself by adding our new designed bolt on spill guard kit. These kits are great for adding capacity to your bucket and are especially handy for snow clearing and helping preventing snow or gravel from falling on your hood.
The Kit comes with all hardware to install. You'll need to drill 11 3/8th holes to install. Takes approx 30 minutes to complete.
48" Standard pin on style or Quick attach skid steer available, Email after purchase to confirm style needed.
Unpainted / No Graphics. $425.00 USD Shipping Included.
Painted: (Orange with graphics) $500.00 USD. Shipping Included.
Ships to US & Canada Only. Canadians please Email / Tel to purchase.
Email / Tel To Order by phone. specialtyrepairssales@gmail.com
Tel # 709-786-3348
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